Thursday, December 1, 2016

Post 26 Colleagues' posts about what they have learned. Use quotes.

Ashley Richardson learned about the ancient and modern heroes, She also learned different techniques."Taking this course I have learned many things throughout this semester from modern and ancient heroes to learning more about Christianity." Malik Toomer learned a lot about Christianity and different religions. "  Mr. Hamon have really did a good job breaking down the different ways we could look at Christianity and religion."

Monday, November 28, 2016

Post 25 The most important thing I learned

The most important thing that I learned in class is what it means to be an ancient hero versus a modern hero. A modern hero is someone such as Hamlet who you can relate too because of his flaws about himself. An ancient hero is someone such as Gilgamesh who is not all human and someone who is  magical or has supernatural strength.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Post 24 colleagues' posts that chose a different character

Cassie Ingle would not compare Hamlet to any other character because she felt that he was powerful and intriguing. Ingle said, " So far he reminds me of what it is truly like to be human and I don't think you could compare him to anyone we have read about because he was so human like." Erin Reid believed that Hamlet character would relate to Pope Alexander III of The Prince, because they face with grief striking situations that they can't seemed to escape. " They are both in some ways seen as grief-stricken rulers who can't seem to escape their sorrow."

Monday, November 14, 2016

Post 23 Hamlet to another character that we have read this term who is most like Hamlet. Explain why, with quotes from both works

If I had to pick an character that relates to Hamlet it would have to be Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh and Hamlet both lost someone that were close to them and both were struggling to deal with that in their life journeys. Gilgamesh lost his best friend and Hamlet lost his father. " With which she followed my poor father's body, like niobe, all tears" (Hamlet). " Becoming aware of himself he sought a friend."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post 22 Colleagues' posts

Christian King said that either president has good ethics. He describes Donald Trump as a bigot and Hillary Clinton as an liar. "Trump wants to be feared, but no one is paying attention to him. Clinton shouldn't have ran for president." He believes that no one wanted Obama to be in office and that Obama was one of his top best presidents. Alesaha Newton believes that Clinton has ethical standards."Hillary has the ethical standards because she has the right thoughts and intentions so she relates to Montaigne". She also said that Trump is situational ethics because he tries to avoid things.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Post 21 Presidential Candidate

I think that Hillary Clinton has the most ethical standard because she seems to care about what people think of her and how others feel unlike Trump he comes off as very self-centered and arrgont. Donald Trump would be the most relativistic and situtional ethics because he rejects prefabrictaed descions. In a lot of his speeches he talks aboout how President Obama descions are bad for the country and how he would make it better, even though he does not have plan. I think that the best way for a president is situtional ethics. " It is better to be feared than love, if you cannot be both.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Post 20 Beauty Poem

My beauty is within myself,
I am not only beautiful but I am intellgent and smart,
I'm a risk taker, funny, inspirational,
My physical apperance does not define me,
My heart does.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Post 19 Beauty in your favorite song

My favorite song is by Jessie J and it is called Masterpiece. The song talks about how even when there are people that are doubting you, it's up to to create the path you want to go in life. The beauty of the song is that you are satisfied of yourself and the goal you trying achieve, or create in life. Beauty can also be the result of admiring something that you would like yourself. In the song it talks about being like the "Greats."
  " I still fall on my face sometimes
And I can't color inside the lines
Cause I'm perfectly incomplete
      I'm still working on my masterpiece".

Friday, October 21, 2016

Post 18 Views of Jesus presented in the Qu'ran

In the Qu'ran Jesus is presented as a prophet but not as the Son of God which christians believe in. The Qu'ran do not believe in the "Trinity" therefore they would not worship Jesus in any form. It does not is discussed the resurrection and crucifixion of Jesus. It did not mention how Jesus rose from the third day. The Qu'ran teaches how Jesus went straight to heaven and escaped his death. " You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies, they are allies only to each other"(865).

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Post 17 similarities between the Qur'an and the New Testament,

Both talked about how Jesus was crucified and believe that Jesus is still alive even though they killed him physically. Qur'an and the New testament believe that women should wear veils because it is Holy and the right thing. They both believe that there is only one true God to worship in and that you should love God with all your heart and soul. They both agree that God will forgive you from all your sins, if you confess them and repent. " May God forgive you: He is the most merciful of the merciful"(Puchner, 879). " For if you forgive men their offenses, your heavenly father forgive your offenses" ( Puchner, 823).

Friday, October 14, 2016

Post 16 presidential candidates most lives up to the teachings of Confucius.

Unfortunately, I do not think that none of the presidential candidates live up to Confucious teaching. In Confucious he teaches how important harmony and balance is. Donald Trump does not represent that because I fell that his attitude is too aggressive to be president and I feel that a president should know how to balance things out which I don't think he is qualify for. I don't think that Clinton represent harmony and balance because many people do not trust her at all. I think that being a president you should have the American people's trust.Confucious also talks about how humans owe each other goodness and humanity, but If could pick I would have to say Gary Johnson because I feel that he cares and respects the American people and want to create order not chaos to society.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Post 15 Role of opposites in the Daodejing.

The role of opposites in Daodejing is that opposite attracts one another. The chapters help us understand that even though something is opposite of each other they balance out. You cannot exist without the other, an example of this is day and night. You need the light to see in the dark and you need the dark to see the moon and the stars. "Thus something and nothing produce each other". " The difficult and the easy complement each other." Each aspect compliments one another for the bad or the good.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Post 14 Two of your colleagues' position about the war in Syria.

Malik Toomer talks about how Syria is small country that has been in war for five years. "  I feel like since we are the most powerful military in the world lets get together and stop this madness Strength in numbers." He feels that since we have a strong military we should stop the war and the only way we can is by strengthing our numbers. Alexius Carter felt that the U.S went to war to show their dedication. " So I feel like the U.S. war in Syria took place because our country wanted to show their dedication."

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Post 13 Addressing the justness of the US war in Syria

I think that America is known as the world police, but sometimes I think that this country always will be the world police but I think that this county need to stay in their own business. " Thus always chastening himself the yogi's mind, subdued, knows peace, whose farthest point is cession; thereafter, he abides in me (740)." Regarding the Syrian Crisis I think since we already put ourselves in the war we have to stay and deal with it because we do not want them to come over on U.S land.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Post 12 Change in yourself, becoming someone or something else.

I think that every year I change for the better due to positive or negative experiences. I become more wiser the older I get. I used to be more gullible and was in the box, but now that I am older I feel that I am stronger than I was back then. I'm still growing as a person because I'm only nineteen, so I have more to experience in life and more to look forward to in the future. I feel that I'm going to always change in some way because I'm still trying figure myself out, but I will not change myself for anyone the only time I would change myself is when I want to.  

Monday, September 26, 2016

Post 11 connections between Pygmalion and Ex Machina.

Pygmalion and Ex Machina both connect because you have someone that is challenging and trying to reach a goal. The goal for Ex machina is to really see if the robot Ava is really intelligent and the goal for Pygmalion is trying to transformed an unpolished girl into a duchess. Also, the men in Ex machina and Pygmalion falls in love and becomes infatuated with the women in the story. In the Ex machina the man begins to trust and feels connection with the robot Ava, and in Pygmalion a man name Freddy becomes in love with Eliza.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Post 10 Tragic figure in the posts of 2 colleagues,

Thomas Smith tragic story was that his cousin and friend was part of a gang. His cousin was sentenced to 20 years in prison and his friend was trying to start a new life, but unfortunately he was shot because he was trying to get out of the gang. " He moved in with his dad around Christmas and the day before Christmas he was shot 3 times in the middle of the night." Hannah Rogers has not went through any tragic events in her life, but she explained that her brother got his girlfriend pregnant and the family was disappointed. "My parents were very disappointed, but the worst was my grandparents." In a classical tragic story usually the main characters are royalty and for modern tragic stories you can relate, and it is realistic.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Post 9 Tragic narrative

I am blessed too say that I haven't went through anything that is really tragic right now in my nineteen years on earth. My aunt who is suffering with breast cancer which is taking a toll on her and the family. Just recently she had to move back with my grandmother, so she can have someone to help her with her child. She went to go get her double mastectomy done which is when both of the breasts are moved. This is a tragic narrative because my aunt is suffering from a flaw which is causing her to become weak and physically damage.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Post 8 My view about Gilgamesh Wikipedia

Topics on what I would add to the Wikipedia page is I would add how feminism meaning how females were viewed. I would also had to the Wikipedia page on how "The epic of Gilgamesh" is controversy too some scholars. " In the epic, Gilgamesh is a demigod of superhuman strength who builds the city walls of Uruk to defend his people and travels to meet the sage Utnapishtim, who survived the Great Flood." Gilgamesh Wikipedia gives you really good introduction about Gilgamesh.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Post 7 Wikipedia

When I read Gilgamesh on the Wikipedia page it mention a lot about his family tree, and the cuneiform references." The earliest[when?] cuneiform references to Gilgamesh are a cycle of sumerian poems where he appears under the name "Bilgamesh"." The article needed more background story regarding Gilgamesh, but one thing I like about the article it gave us information about sumerian poem regarding Gilgamesh. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Post 6 Compare/contrast your definition of hero to 2 new colleagues, using quotes, links, & paraphrases.

Ieshia Roberts said that Hillary Clinton is a hero because she endure a lot being a women, because before women were not allowed to vote or have the same rights as men. "There was a time where women couldn't vote and we didn't have the same rights as men, and I think Hilary Clinton is the example of courageousness because she has to endure a lot as a woman being nominated for President." Jack Bell felt that Donald Trumps is an hero because he created millions of jobs, and he felt that Clinton was not an hero because she left soldiers oversees. " Another great characteristic Mr. Trump has is that he will not hide anything from the public." I do agree with him on Trump being open to the public is a good thing, but sometimes I feel that he over do it and his words can come off as offensive.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Post 5 Why either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump are modern heroes, using definitions of hero & our readings.

"The Gilgamesh of the epic is an awe inspiring, sparkling hero, but at first also the epitome of a bad ruler: arrogant, oppressive, and brutal(34). " This quote in my opinion represents how some people may view Donald Trump, as an solution for making america great again. He comes of very arrogant to some people but despite his attitude their are still millions of people that are inspired by him. Being an hero is being able to conquer and to being admired for you achievements. Donald Trump would be admired on his wealth, and his million dollar businesses.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Post 4 Colleagues views about the psychology of eroticism

Alexius Carter views on eroticism is the same as Sappho because they both agree that the attitude of love can  give out positive and negative vibes. She also feel that being erotic does not always have to be a sexually emotion which modern views states that it is. " My views of erotic is similar to Sappho because like she said it gives off positive & negative vibes." Alesaha Newton felt that ancient views of eroticism were represented in sculpture, poems, statues and ect. " Eroticism is basically a creation story which is, as stated in my previous blog, is imagination."

Monday, August 29, 2016

Post 3 Exploring psychology in different characters

I think back in the ancient times they used paintings, stories, and regarding the psychology of different characters. When reading some of the poems I saw eroticism where it talks about lust, love, and fantasizing about someone looks. "My heart thirsts to see her beauty,
as I am seated at home with her". 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Post 2 Colleagues views of creation

Malik Toomer describes that the bible is part of creation and it is related to literal interpretation. " The belief that the universe and living organisms from specific acts of divine creation ". Erin Reid says that creation can mean many different things because everyone is different which I agree with. She feels that people expect you to think that God created the world. "Growing up in the "Bible Belt" is very interesting because people expect you to share the same views about religion and creation that they do and if you don't you are considered an outsider."

Monday, August 22, 2016

Post 1 My view on creation

I think that creation is something that is created and coming to life. In biblical terms I believe that God created the earth, man, and animals. Evolution can also be consider as creation because some people believe that the earth form by natural processes. Creation can be interpreted by creating art by either music, painting, writing and more. Different cultures have different views on creation by creating there on mythical stories about how mankind was created or how the earth was formed.

Friday, April 29, 2016

post 26 response to two colleagues' posts about what they have learned

The most important thing that Willis learned was not to check your essay, but to allow other people to read it instead. "By checking your own work you can miss things that you thought you had placed in to your writing" I agree with her because when you check yourself you know what you are trying to say and you miss mistakes on your paper. The most important thing Phillips learned was that literature is a vast topic. "We have also read a couple of stories about how women feel on the inside and how it affects their love ones". 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

post 25 about the most important thing you've learned in this class from the literature we read

The most important thing that I've learned from this class was about analyzing what you read. Figuring out the symbols, metaphors, and what they story or poem actually means. I think that it is important learning how to do that in college because throughout my college years, I will have to read a lot of stories and poems that I have to interpret the meaning to really understand what it is really talking about.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

post 24 comparing and contrasting your post to two colleagues' posts about women in modern family life.

Ryan Phillips describes the modern women as the back bone and that she was usually cooking, cleaning, and making sure everything was okay. "  Today women have the same power as men." I agree with this comment because in today's world we push for equality. Alexia felt that modern day has improved. "Some men even are the ones who stay home, and cook, and take care of the children." She believed that there are still some equality problems that we have in society. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Post 23 The role of women in modern family life.

The women in modern family life are traditional and dependent. They took care of the kids, cook, clean, and were obligated to stay in bubble meaning they did not have a say or option. Acting dumb and being beuatiful was encouraged in society at that time. I think that women roles now is that they more independent and have more business drive. Today's women are doing things on their own meaning that they are not depending on the man to pay their bills or to take care of them.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Post 22 The plot of my favorite movie

The plot of the show Awkward is a teenage girl named Jenna Hamilton who struggle with identity issues that involves family, friends, and life in general. An example of this is when she tried to commit suicide, her escape is creating a blog that helps her deal with her issues in high school, life, and peer pressure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 21 Setting of my favorite TV show and what the setting means for the show.

My favorite t.v show is on MTV and it is called Awkward. The show setting is primarily based at a high school, college, and Jenna's Hamilton's house which she is the main character of this show. The reason why the setting is at an high school and college setting is because the show is about young adults around the ages fifteen and up. Since the show is a comedy/drama the show setting makes young audience familiar and comfortable with it, because they can relate being in high school, college, dealing with some good and bad times.  The location of the show is at Palos Verdes, California. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Post 20 a metaphor about what you think about poetry.

What I think about metaphor in poetry is that it describes a comparison to something without using words such as, like and as and pointing out similarities. Metaphors could represent a symbol and deeper meaning. The use of metaphors can give you a image and language of the poem.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Post 19 A metaphor in a song lyric.

A group named T.L.C  made a song called Waterfalls. " Don't go chasing water falls". Which means people should not be chasing things that is just no meant for them or bad for them. " Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you used to". You should just be yourself and do not change. Both of these are metaphors because you can't actually chase waterfalls or stick to rivers and lakes.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Post 18 images 2 colleagues' discussed in their posts and how mine was different.

Ryan Phillips stated, The definition of imagery is language that addresses the senses." He said that images can be used or described different things. Willis example of imagery was a song by Jay z called "Can I Live". " It gets tedious, So I keep one eye open like CBS, You see me stressed right?" He explains the imagery of this song and says that imagery is used for entertainment. The difference between Ryan and Willis is that my definition of imagery is different than their definition which, I explain that imagery depends on the individual on what they think a certain thing mean, but I do agree with both of them.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post 17 Why images can mean so many different things?

Images can mean different depending on the individual idea on what they think that a certain poem, story or songs mean. In the poem Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou someone could interpreted the poem different than me depending on their perspective. Personally, I think that the poem is describing a woman that is confident in herself and does not care what anyone else says."Cause I'm a woman, Phenomenally, Phenomenal, That's me."  My favorite song is Beautiful by Christina Aguilera which mean everyone is beautiful in their own way despite their sexuality, or how they look. " You are beautiful in every single way..".

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Post 16 responding to two colleagues post

Dimetri Carter explains how myths is a perception and how it explains the things that are unexplained. He read the poem " Hazel Tell LaVerne" which he explains that the frog is trying to become a prince, and the only way he can is by kissing the maid. I agree with him that the theme of this poem is based on true love. The story is also an revised story of the original story of the frog kissing a maid to try to break the spell.
Alexia Caul-Leonard describes the mythological elements as poem and story that are similar to myths. She talks about two poem which one is "Back when all was continuous chuckles" which talks about ghost and creepy noises. The second poem is " Hazel Tell LaVerne" since this stories is told in many different ways and aspects this poem would be consider a myth. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Post 15 mythological element

Usually we think of myths as imaginary gods that are powerful and perform magic and other things. In the poem "Hazel Tell LaVerne" written by Katharyn Howd Machan is revised version of the princess frog. "Myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplainable(2042)." The poem represents that a talking frog that want a maid to kiss him in hopes of becoming a princess. Hope is the main thing in this poem.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Post 14 Two my colleagues favorite poem and lyrics

Israel Walker favorite song is Never Lose Your Flame. The song is basically saying that you should never give up on yourself. People will try to change you but you should not let them even your family member, peers, or society might want to change you but should not let them. "You have to except yourself and Never Lose Your Flame".

Ryan Phillips favorite song is from Kevin Gate "I don't get tired". "The lyric is " get it get fly, I got six jobs I don't get tired ". It describes the song as a lot of passion and energy. The song means that you don't feel tired even when you work hard and struggle. Ryan stated, " The is a great workout song and gets you motivated to do anything that you put your mind to.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Post 13 Theme about my favorite poem

My favorite poem is Maya Angelou which is called Still I Rise. Still I Rise theme is mainly about strength. No matter what your challenges in life may be you can still rise and stay strong. The poem discuss about people will lie on, jealousy, and depression."You may shoot me with your words,You may cut me with your eyes,You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise." No matter how much hate someone may have towards you; you can still rise despite their negativity.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Post 12 Theme of my life so far

The main theme of my life is success. I want to accomplish every single goal that I set for myself. I feel that everyone should thrive to be the very best person they can be. Being successful is a state of mind because I have to truly believe that I can overcome obstacles that will get in my way. I also believe that failure is a chose rather than an option. Being successful gives me a purpose in life, and I know that I am capable of achieving anything that I want to achieve.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post 11 Theme of my favorite movie

My favorite movie is the notebook and theme of the movie is unconditional love. Allie who has alzheimer's disease which caused her to forget the love story  between Noah and herself. Noah continues to tell Allie about their love story. There were many obstacles that tried to keep them apart like when Allie parents did not like Noah, or when Allie was about to marry a rich man, and when Allie's parents hid all the letters that Noah wrote to Allie. Despite all the obstacles that occurred to try to tear their love apart they still found themselves together.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Post 10 two collegues symbols

Ryan Phillips did his symbol on Nike. I do agree with him that Nike is an athletic brand that make clothes, book bags, shoes, socks and more. The Nike check also represents Nike because its part of Nike logo and brand. Buyers and the consumers are familiar with this logo. The Nike logo also symbolize the geek goddess of victory. Christopher wrote that has three tattoos with three different meanings. His first tattoo which is an anchor and a wheel symbolizes how he is able steer himself through hard situation. The second tattoo is an Italian quote " Veni, Vini, Vidi." This means " I came, I saw, I conquered." His last quote is also an Italian quote, "é tutto un equilibrio sopra la folia." This means "its all a balance above the madness." Everyone of his tattoos has a special meaning to him and holds a special memory. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post 9 Something I wear or carry and what is symbolize

Something that I carry almost everyday is my Calvin Klein hand bag on occasions. Calvin Klein is a fashion company that not only creates handbags they also make clothes, book bags, underwear, shoes and accessories. The word "Calvin Klein" symbolizes the founder who name is Calvin Klein. The "CK" is their logo that the company advertise which make the consumer familiar with the company and the product.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post 8 Two collegues views of setting

In Thomas Smith post he talked about how Krebs listed in the war in 1917 and how he returned to his hometown which is Oklahoma. Thomas states, " He returned in 1919. He eventually returned to Oklahoma years after the war was over." Thomas also talks about how Krebs begin to lie to everyone, but eventually it caught up with him and he begins to have flashbacks on what really happen. Thomas states, " That's basically a double standards. It eventually caught up with him because he begin to have flashbacks of what really happened."

In Ryan Phillips post he did his setting on " In A Soldiers Home". He talks about how the story takes place in Oklahoma and how the main character is Krebs. Ryan states,"Krebs has come home from war and the war has changed him a lot." I agree with him because after the war Krebs begin to unsocial to the people around him." He just doesn't have the same fire in his eye and energy level to do anything anymore like he did before he went to the war."

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Post 7 The setting in Packer's story "Geese".

In the story "Geese" the setting of the story is based in  Japan. Dina who is a native in Baltimore wants to moved to Japan because she wants to make a lot of money. Dina fail to realize the reality of her moving to Japan. She had a job at a amusement park which she ends up quitting her job because the job did not amused her. After she quits Dina wanted to take a vacation in a round trip to different cities in Japan such as Tokyo, Akihabara, Odaiji and Shinjuku. In "Geese"the symbolism in the setting in Japan was that Dina was out of touched with reality and she did not think about what you have to do or go through to get a pile of money. She did not have any type of plan before she left her hometown which left Dina in a world of trouble.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 6 Responding to two collegues post.

"Karen Van Der Zee the author of A Secret Sorrow 1981. Her life affects her writing because as a child she always wanted to write and she was in love with romance books and always wanted to travel. her life has affected the way she writes because she has found love and is willing to share something she loves so bad with readers around the world. Her poem/stories tell a great deed of people falling in love and the trials you have to go through to get what you deserve. In Chapter 11 she shows how the character is afraid of marriage afraid of committing and she explains that after it all its worth the fight,." I like Breanna Williams describes the author life and why she felt that it tied in the story.

" I think Ms. May-Lee Chai was like any other ordinary girl being born in china and raised in America story writing was her outlet into her own world. From personal experience from being a teenager everyone needs there outlet. and sometimes that outlet can eventually become a career. Her being a only child i wouldn't see how she got any material to write the story but i also think she may of had a older or younger cousin the showed these character traits in her story and used it for ammo even so she a amazing writer that uses her surroundings and life experiences to the best of her ability." Greg describes the author May-Lee Chai past as a girl who was born in China. I like that way he gives us some history about his author, this helps me to get to know the author in a personal way. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Post 5 How the author's life in my Doc 1 affect the story?

Gail Godwin's author affects my story because it is based on her life in the past situations. In my story which is about a woman who is a housewife. The author who is now a full time writer, writes her story based on her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother was a housewife who cooked and cleaned similar to the woman in "A Sorrowful Woman". The story represents hardships of woman in her time dealing with different roles trying to figure out what roles is best fit for them. Just like in the story when the woman is trying variety of roles she is trying to fit in. The woman does things like hiring someone to do her work, dressing up in different costumes, and personalities."She is a full writer who has won grants, ( Godwin 39)". This is totally opposite than the character in the story which makes me believe that she is not representing this character based on people she knew or how society viewed women based on her time. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post 4 What my two colleagues learned about their story?

My first colleague who is Alexis Davis, her story is "A Rose for Emily". She learned that every story are not the same even though the order is not in chroniclogical order. " From what I got out of my story is that every story isn't the same as far as the order of the story goes," Davis. She also learned why the author describes certain things. " I also learned the ways of how Faulkner describes certain things that make them an important element in the story," Davis.

My second colleague who is Alexia Caul-Leonard, her story  is also "A Rose For Emily". She did not think that the story had a universal lesson, but felt like keeping someone isolated will effect them in the future. "In my opinion doesn't have a universal life lesson that all people could relate to, but I would more say that the lesson out of it is keeping someone isolated from others while growing up has long term effects on the way they grow up, mentally," Carl-Leonard.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Post 3 What I learned about my story?

What I learned about my story was that some people just give up on themselves, family, and the world. The woman in the story did no longer wanted to be part of her family and society. I learned that as a woman we are more than just being a wife or a mother. Not only can we becomes mothers and wives we can be whatever we want to be. In society back then society put you in a box but it is up to the individual to decide their own destiny. In "A Sorrowful Woman" the story made it clear that men were the prime providers that payed the bills, and made the money. I also learned that some people you can never satisfy. You can give many people different opinions, but that will never become happy to any of the choices.    

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Post 2 Doc 1

My story for document one was Godwin's "A Sorrowful Women". This story is about a woman that no longer wants to take her role as wife and mother. The woman begins to cut off any emotion and feelings she had towards her husband, son, and the outside world. The husband begin take care of her and  begins to do everything she asks. She is presented with different roles, but the woman is still unsatisfied. The woman is depressed that she cannot find a role that she can be content with. She tried things like trying on different costumes and moving to the white room but she is still unsatisfied. In my document one I will discuss the different perspectives of how some people might view this story. Personally, I viewed the women in the story as selfish because she did not care about how her son and husband felt. She only cared about herself throughout the story which made me come to this conclusion. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 1 Favorite movie!

I have many favorite movies but if i had to pick one it would have to be The Notebook. I have read the book which in my opinion was better than the movie. The author for The Notebook is Nicholas Sparks which is my favorite author in romance stories. The story is about an elderly man name" Duke" who is really Noah who is telling a story to a elderly women named Allie. Allie is suffering from dementia which is why Noah is telling her the story so she can  remember. Allie and Noah are two teenagers that fall deeply in love with each other. They have different situations that hinder them, but their love always bring them back together. The reason why I love this movie is because I just love romantic movies about love, marriage and happiness. I also love the actors in the movie which include Ryan Gosling. Whenever, I watched The Notebook I'm always in tears because the ending is very emotional and heartbreaking. Another reason why I enjoy this movie is because it sends us a message about never giving up on your significant other no matter what the circumstances are.

Monday, January 18, 2016


My name is Jaylen Pope; I live in Winder Georgia which is closed by University of Georgia. I have one sister and two brothers. My sister name is Trinity and my two brothers are named Andre and Nicholas.  My favorite thing to do in my spare time is to watch television and to hang out with friends. I enjoy editing videos and creating different effects to make them unique. My major is New Media Communication. I attended Winder Barrow High School where I participated in Cheerleading for four years. I also sung in my church choir and participated with the youth ministry. My favorite place is Florida because of the warm and beach feel. Every summer we would go to Miami Florida to visit family.