Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post 8 Two collegues views of setting

In Thomas Smith post he talked about how Krebs listed in the war in 1917 and how he returned to his hometown which is Oklahoma. Thomas states, " He returned in 1919. He eventually returned to Oklahoma years after the war was over." Thomas also talks about how Krebs begin to lie to everyone, but eventually it caught up with him and he begins to have flashbacks on what really happen. Thomas states, " That's basically a double standards. It eventually caught up with him because he begin to have flashbacks of what really happened."

In Ryan Phillips post he did his setting on " In A Soldiers Home". He talks about how the story takes place in Oklahoma and how the main character is Krebs. Ryan states,"Krebs has come home from war and the war has changed him a lot." I agree with him because after the war Krebs begin to unsocial to the people around him." He just doesn't have the same fire in his eye and energy level to do anything anymore like he did before he went to the war."

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