Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Post 4 Colleagues views about the psychology of eroticism

Alexius Carter views on eroticism is the same as Sappho because they both agree that the attitude of love can  give out positive and negative vibes. She also feel that being erotic does not always have to be a sexually emotion which modern views states that it is. " My views of erotic is similar to Sappho because like she said it gives off positive & negative vibes." Alesaha Newton felt that ancient views of eroticism were represented in sculpture, poems, statues and ect. " Eroticism is basically a creation story which is, as stated in my previous blog, is imagination."

1 comment:

  1. Your right! Referring to the quote "How joyfully does my heart rejoice, my beloved since I first saw you", now a days majority do not believe in love at first sight as much.So with our beliefs combine, we created figurative and literal meanings.
