Thursday, March 17, 2016

Post 16 responding to two colleagues post

Dimetri Carter explains how myths is a perception and how it explains the things that are unexplained. He read the poem " Hazel Tell LaVerne" which he explains that the frog is trying to become a prince, and the only way he can is by kissing the maid. I agree with him that the theme of this poem is based on true love. The story is also an revised story of the original story of the frog kissing a maid to try to break the spell.
Alexia Caul-Leonard describes the mythological elements as poem and story that are similar to myths. She talks about two poem which one is "Back when all was continuous chuckles" which talks about ghost and creepy noises. The second poem is " Hazel Tell LaVerne" since this stories is told in many different ways and aspects this poem would be consider a myth. 

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