Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post 4 What my two colleagues learned about their story?

My first colleague who is Alexis Davis, her story is "A Rose for Emily". She learned that every story are not the same even though the order is not in chroniclogical order. " From what I got out of my story is that every story isn't the same as far as the order of the story goes," Davis. She also learned why the author describes certain things. " I also learned the ways of how Faulkner describes certain things that make them an important element in the story," Davis.

My second colleague who is Alexia Caul-Leonard, her story  is also "A Rose For Emily". She did not think that the story had a universal lesson, but felt like keeping someone isolated will effect them in the future. "In my opinion doesn't have a universal life lesson that all people could relate to, but I would more say that the lesson out of it is keeping someone isolated from others while growing up has long term effects on the way they grow up, mentally," Carl-Leonard.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Post 3 What I learned about my story?

What I learned about my story was that some people just give up on themselves, family, and the world. The woman in the story did no longer wanted to be part of her family and society. I learned that as a woman we are more than just being a wife or a mother. Not only can we becomes mothers and wives we can be whatever we want to be. In society back then society put you in a box but it is up to the individual to decide their own destiny. In "A Sorrowful Woman" the story made it clear that men were the prime providers that payed the bills, and made the money. I also learned that some people you can never satisfy. You can give many people different opinions, but that will never become happy to any of the choices.    

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Post 2 Doc 1

My story for document one was Godwin's "A Sorrowful Women". This story is about a woman that no longer wants to take her role as wife and mother. The woman begins to cut off any emotion and feelings she had towards her husband, son, and the outside world. The husband begin take care of her and  begins to do everything she asks. She is presented with different roles, but the woman is still unsatisfied. The woman is depressed that she cannot find a role that she can be content with. She tried things like trying on different costumes and moving to the white room but she is still unsatisfied. In my document one I will discuss the different perspectives of how some people might view this story. Personally, I viewed the women in the story as selfish because she did not care about how her son and husband felt. She only cared about herself throughout the story which made me come to this conclusion. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 1 Favorite movie!

I have many favorite movies but if i had to pick one it would have to be The Notebook. I have read the book which in my opinion was better than the movie. The author for The Notebook is Nicholas Sparks which is my favorite author in romance stories. The story is about an elderly man name" Duke" who is really Noah who is telling a story to a elderly women named Allie. Allie is suffering from dementia which is why Noah is telling her the story so she can  remember. Allie and Noah are two teenagers that fall deeply in love with each other. They have different situations that hinder them, but their love always bring them back together. The reason why I love this movie is because I just love romantic movies about love, marriage and happiness. I also love the actors in the movie which include Ryan Gosling. Whenever, I watched The Notebook I'm always in tears because the ending is very emotional and heartbreaking. Another reason why I enjoy this movie is because it sends us a message about never giving up on your significant other no matter what the circumstances are.

Monday, January 18, 2016


My name is Jaylen Pope; I live in Winder Georgia which is closed by University of Georgia. I have one sister and two brothers. My sister name is Trinity and my two brothers are named Andre and Nicholas.  My favorite thing to do in my spare time is to watch television and to hang out with friends. I enjoy editing videos and creating different effects to make them unique. My major is New Media Communication. I attended Winder Barrow High School where I participated in Cheerleading for four years. I also sung in my church choir and participated with the youth ministry. My favorite place is Florida because of the warm and beach feel. Every summer we would go to Miami Florida to visit family.