Friday, October 21, 2016

Post 18 Views of Jesus presented in the Qu'ran

In the Qu'ran Jesus is presented as a prophet but not as the Son of God which christians believe in. The Qu'ran do not believe in the "Trinity" therefore they would not worship Jesus in any form. It does not is discussed the resurrection and crucifixion of Jesus. It did not mention how Jesus rose from the third day. The Qu'ran teaches how Jesus went straight to heaven and escaped his death. " You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies, they are allies only to each other"(865).

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Post 17 similarities between the Qur'an and the New Testament,

Both talked about how Jesus was crucified and believe that Jesus is still alive even though they killed him physically. Qur'an and the New testament believe that women should wear veils because it is Holy and the right thing. They both believe that there is only one true God to worship in and that you should love God with all your heart and soul. They both agree that God will forgive you from all your sins, if you confess them and repent. " May God forgive you: He is the most merciful of the merciful"(Puchner, 879). " For if you forgive men their offenses, your heavenly father forgive your offenses" ( Puchner, 823).

Friday, October 14, 2016

Post 16 presidential candidates most lives up to the teachings of Confucius.

Unfortunately, I do not think that none of the presidential candidates live up to Confucious teaching. In Confucious he teaches how important harmony and balance is. Donald Trump does not represent that because I fell that his attitude is too aggressive to be president and I feel that a president should know how to balance things out which I don't think he is qualify for. I don't think that Clinton represent harmony and balance because many people do not trust her at all. I think that being a president you should have the American people's trust.Confucious also talks about how humans owe each other goodness and humanity, but If could pick I would have to say Gary Johnson because I feel that he cares and respects the American people and want to create order not chaos to society.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Post 15 Role of opposites in the Daodejing.

The role of opposites in Daodejing is that opposite attracts one another. The chapters help us understand that even though something is opposite of each other they balance out. You cannot exist without the other, an example of this is day and night. You need the light to see in the dark and you need the dark to see the moon and the stars. "Thus something and nothing produce each other". " The difficult and the easy complement each other." Each aspect compliments one another for the bad or the good.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Post 14 Two of your colleagues' position about the war in Syria.

Malik Toomer talks about how Syria is small country that has been in war for five years. "  I feel like since we are the most powerful military in the world lets get together and stop this madness Strength in numbers." He feels that since we have a strong military we should stop the war and the only way we can is by strengthing our numbers. Alexius Carter felt that the U.S went to war to show their dedication. " So I feel like the U.S. war in Syria took place because our country wanted to show their dedication."

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Post 13 Addressing the justness of the US war in Syria

I think that America is known as the world police, but sometimes I think that this country always will be the world police but I think that this county need to stay in their own business. " Thus always chastening himself the yogi's mind, subdued, knows peace, whose farthest point is cession; thereafter, he abides in me (740)." Regarding the Syrian Crisis I think since we already put ourselves in the war we have to stay and deal with it because we do not want them to come over on U.S land.