Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Post 4 Colleagues views about the psychology of eroticism

Alexius Carter views on eroticism is the same as Sappho because they both agree that the attitude of love can  give out positive and negative vibes. She also feel that being erotic does not always have to be a sexually emotion which modern views states that it is. " My views of erotic is similar to Sappho because like she said it gives off positive & negative vibes." Alesaha Newton felt that ancient views of eroticism were represented in sculpture, poems, statues and ect. " Eroticism is basically a creation story which is, as stated in my previous blog, is imagination."

Monday, August 29, 2016

Post 3 Exploring psychology in different characters

I think back in the ancient times they used paintings, stories, and regarding the psychology of different characters. When reading some of the poems I saw eroticism where it talks about lust, love, and fantasizing about someone looks. "My heart thirsts to see her beauty,
as I am seated at home with her". 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Post 2 Colleagues views of creation

Malik Toomer describes that the bible is part of creation and it is related to literal interpretation. " The belief that the universe and living organisms from specific acts of divine creation ". Erin Reid says that creation can mean many different things because everyone is different which I agree with. She feels that people expect you to think that God created the world. "Growing up in the "Bible Belt" is very interesting because people expect you to share the same views about religion and creation that they do and if you don't you are considered an outsider."

Monday, August 22, 2016

Post 1 My view on creation

I think that creation is something that is created and coming to life. In biblical terms I believe that God created the earth, man, and animals. Evolution can also be consider as creation because some people believe that the earth form by natural processes. Creation can be interpreted by creating art by either music, painting, writing and more. Different cultures have different views on creation by creating there on mythical stories about how mankind was created or how the earth was formed.