Friday, February 26, 2016

Post 12 Theme of my life so far

The main theme of my life is success. I want to accomplish every single goal that I set for myself. I feel that everyone should thrive to be the very best person they can be. Being successful is a state of mind because I have to truly believe that I can overcome obstacles that will get in my way. I also believe that failure is a chose rather than an option. Being successful gives me a purpose in life, and I know that I am capable of achieving anything that I want to achieve.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post 11 Theme of my favorite movie

My favorite movie is the notebook and theme of the movie is unconditional love. Allie who has alzheimer's disease which caused her to forget the love story  between Noah and herself. Noah continues to tell Allie about their love story. There were many obstacles that tried to keep them apart like when Allie parents did not like Noah, or when Allie was about to marry a rich man, and when Allie's parents hid all the letters that Noah wrote to Allie. Despite all the obstacles that occurred to try to tear their love apart they still found themselves together.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Post 10 two collegues symbols

Ryan Phillips did his symbol on Nike. I do agree with him that Nike is an athletic brand that make clothes, book bags, shoes, socks and more. The Nike check also represents Nike because its part of Nike logo and brand. Buyers and the consumers are familiar with this logo. The Nike logo also symbolize the geek goddess of victory. Christopher wrote that has three tattoos with three different meanings. His first tattoo which is an anchor and a wheel symbolizes how he is able steer himself through hard situation. The second tattoo is an Italian quote " Veni, Vini, Vidi." This means " I came, I saw, I conquered." His last quote is also an Italian quote, "é tutto un equilibrio sopra la folia." This means "its all a balance above the madness." Everyone of his tattoos has a special meaning to him and holds a special memory. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post 9 Something I wear or carry and what is symbolize

Something that I carry almost everyday is my Calvin Klein hand bag on occasions. Calvin Klein is a fashion company that not only creates handbags they also make clothes, book bags, underwear, shoes and accessories. The word "Calvin Klein" symbolizes the founder who name is Calvin Klein. The "CK" is their logo that the company advertise which make the consumer familiar with the company and the product.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post 8 Two collegues views of setting

In Thomas Smith post he talked about how Krebs listed in the war in 1917 and how he returned to his hometown which is Oklahoma. Thomas states, " He returned in 1919. He eventually returned to Oklahoma years after the war was over." Thomas also talks about how Krebs begin to lie to everyone, but eventually it caught up with him and he begins to have flashbacks on what really happen. Thomas states, " That's basically a double standards. It eventually caught up with him because he begin to have flashbacks of what really happened."

In Ryan Phillips post he did his setting on " In A Soldiers Home". He talks about how the story takes place in Oklahoma and how the main character is Krebs. Ryan states,"Krebs has come home from war and the war has changed him a lot." I agree with him because after the war Krebs begin to unsocial to the people around him." He just doesn't have the same fire in his eye and energy level to do anything anymore like he did before he went to the war."

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Post 7 The setting in Packer's story "Geese".

In the story "Geese" the setting of the story is based in  Japan. Dina who is a native in Baltimore wants to moved to Japan because she wants to make a lot of money. Dina fail to realize the reality of her moving to Japan. She had a job at a amusement park which she ends up quitting her job because the job did not amused her. After she quits Dina wanted to take a vacation in a round trip to different cities in Japan such as Tokyo, Akihabara, Odaiji and Shinjuku. In "Geese"the symbolism in the setting in Japan was that Dina was out of touched with reality and she did not think about what you have to do or go through to get a pile of money. She did not have any type of plan before she left her hometown which left Dina in a world of trouble.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 6 Responding to two collegues post.

"Karen Van Der Zee the author of A Secret Sorrow 1981. Her life affects her writing because as a child she always wanted to write and she was in love with romance books and always wanted to travel. her life has affected the way she writes because she has found love and is willing to share something she loves so bad with readers around the world. Her poem/stories tell a great deed of people falling in love and the trials you have to go through to get what you deserve. In Chapter 11 she shows how the character is afraid of marriage afraid of committing and she explains that after it all its worth the fight,." I like Breanna Williams describes the author life and why she felt that it tied in the story.

" I think Ms. May-Lee Chai was like any other ordinary girl being born in china and raised in America story writing was her outlet into her own world. From personal experience from being a teenager everyone needs there outlet. and sometimes that outlet can eventually become a career. Her being a only child i wouldn't see how she got any material to write the story but i also think she may of had a older or younger cousin the showed these character traits in her story and used it for ammo even so she a amazing writer that uses her surroundings and life experiences to the best of her ability." Greg describes the author May-Lee Chai past as a girl who was born in China. I like that way he gives us some history about his author, this helps me to get to know the author in a personal way. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Post 5 How the author's life in my Doc 1 affect the story?

Gail Godwin's author affects my story because it is based on her life in the past situations. In my story which is about a woman who is a housewife. The author who is now a full time writer, writes her story based on her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother was a housewife who cooked and cleaned similar to the woman in "A Sorrowful Woman". The story represents hardships of woman in her time dealing with different roles trying to figure out what roles is best fit for them. Just like in the story when the woman is trying variety of roles she is trying to fit in. The woman does things like hiring someone to do her work, dressing up in different costumes, and personalities."She is a full writer who has won grants, ( Godwin 39)". This is totally opposite than the character in the story which makes me believe that she is not representing this character based on people she knew or how society viewed women based on her time.