Monday, November 28, 2016

Post 25 The most important thing I learned

The most important thing that I learned in class is what it means to be an ancient hero versus a modern hero. A modern hero is someone such as Hamlet who you can relate too because of his flaws about himself. An ancient hero is someone such as Gilgamesh who is not all human and someone who is  magical or has supernatural strength.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Post 24 colleagues' posts that chose a different character

Cassie Ingle would not compare Hamlet to any other character because she felt that he was powerful and intriguing. Ingle said, " So far he reminds me of what it is truly like to be human and I don't think you could compare him to anyone we have read about because he was so human like." Erin Reid believed that Hamlet character would relate to Pope Alexander III of The Prince, because they face with grief striking situations that they can't seemed to escape. " They are both in some ways seen as grief-stricken rulers who can't seem to escape their sorrow."

Monday, November 14, 2016

Post 23 Hamlet to another character that we have read this term who is most like Hamlet. Explain why, with quotes from both works

If I had to pick an character that relates to Hamlet it would have to be Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh and Hamlet both lost someone that were close to them and both were struggling to deal with that in their life journeys. Gilgamesh lost his best friend and Hamlet lost his father. " With which she followed my poor father's body, like niobe, all tears" (Hamlet). " Becoming aware of himself he sought a friend."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post 22 Colleagues' posts

Christian King said that either president has good ethics. He describes Donald Trump as a bigot and Hillary Clinton as an liar. "Trump wants to be feared, but no one is paying attention to him. Clinton shouldn't have ran for president." He believes that no one wanted Obama to be in office and that Obama was one of his top best presidents. Alesaha Newton believes that Clinton has ethical standards."Hillary has the ethical standards because she has the right thoughts and intentions so she relates to Montaigne". She also said that Trump is situational ethics because he tries to avoid things.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Post 21 Presidential Candidate

I think that Hillary Clinton has the most ethical standard because she seems to care about what people think of her and how others feel unlike Trump he comes off as very self-centered and arrgont. Donald Trump would be the most relativistic and situtional ethics because he rejects prefabrictaed descions. In a lot of his speeches he talks aboout how President Obama descions are bad for the country and how he would make it better, even though he does not have plan. I think that the best way for a president is situtional ethics. " It is better to be feared than love, if you cannot be both.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Post 20 Beauty Poem

My beauty is within myself,
I am not only beautiful but I am intellgent and smart,
I'm a risk taker, funny, inspirational,
My physical apperance does not define me,
My heart does.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Post 19 Beauty in your favorite song

My favorite song is by Jessie J and it is called Masterpiece. The song talks about how even when there are people that are doubting you, it's up to to create the path you want to go in life. The beauty of the song is that you are satisfied of yourself and the goal you trying achieve, or create in life. Beauty can also be the result of admiring something that you would like yourself. In the song it talks about being like the "Greats."
  " I still fall on my face sometimes
And I can't color inside the lines
Cause I'm perfectly incomplete
      I'm still working on my masterpiece".