Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Post 12 Change in yourself, becoming someone or something else.

I think that every year I change for the better due to positive or negative experiences. I become more wiser the older I get. I used to be more gullible and was in the box, but now that I am older I feel that I am stronger than I was back then. I'm still growing as a person because I'm only nineteen, so I have more to experience in life and more to look forward to in the future. I feel that I'm going to always change in some way because I'm still trying figure myself out, but I will not change myself for anyone the only time I would change myself is when I want to.  

Monday, September 26, 2016

Post 11 connections between Pygmalion and Ex Machina.

Pygmalion and Ex Machina both connect because you have someone that is challenging and trying to reach a goal. The goal for Ex machina is to really see if the robot Ava is really intelligent and the goal for Pygmalion is trying to transformed an unpolished girl into a duchess. Also, the men in Ex machina and Pygmalion falls in love and becomes infatuated with the women in the story. In the Ex machina the man begins to trust and feels connection with the robot Ava, and in Pygmalion a man name Freddy becomes in love with Eliza.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Post 10 Tragic figure in the posts of 2 colleagues,

Thomas Smith tragic story was that his cousin and friend was part of a gang. His cousin was sentenced to 20 years in prison and his friend was trying to start a new life, but unfortunately he was shot because he was trying to get out of the gang. " He moved in with his dad around Christmas and the day before Christmas he was shot 3 times in the middle of the night." Hannah Rogers has not went through any tragic events in her life, but she explained that her brother got his girlfriend pregnant and the family was disappointed. "My parents were very disappointed, but the worst was my grandparents." In a classical tragic story usually the main characters are royalty and for modern tragic stories you can relate, and it is realistic.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Post 9 Tragic narrative

I am blessed too say that I haven't went through anything that is really tragic right now in my nineteen years on earth. My aunt who is suffering with breast cancer which is taking a toll on her and the family. Just recently she had to move back with my grandmother, so she can have someone to help her with her child. She went to go get her double mastectomy done which is when both of the breasts are moved. This is a tragic narrative because my aunt is suffering from a flaw which is causing her to become weak and physically damage.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Post 8 My view about Gilgamesh Wikipedia

Topics on what I would add to the Wikipedia page is I would add how feminism meaning how females were viewed. I would also had to the Wikipedia page on how "The epic of Gilgamesh" is controversy too some scholars. " In the epic, Gilgamesh is a demigod of superhuman strength who builds the city walls of Uruk to defend his people and travels to meet the sage Utnapishtim, who survived the Great Flood." Gilgamesh Wikipedia gives you really good introduction about Gilgamesh.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Post 7 Wikipedia

When I read Gilgamesh on the Wikipedia page it mention a lot about his family tree, and the cuneiform references." The earliest[when?] cuneiform references to Gilgamesh are a cycle of sumerian poems where he appears under the name "Bilgamesh"." The article needed more background story regarding Gilgamesh, but one thing I like about the article it gave us information about sumerian poem regarding Gilgamesh. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Post 6 Compare/contrast your definition of hero to 2 new colleagues, using quotes, links, & paraphrases.

Ieshia Roberts said that Hillary Clinton is a hero because she endure a lot being a women, because before women were not allowed to vote or have the same rights as men. "There was a time where women couldn't vote and we didn't have the same rights as men, and I think Hilary Clinton is the example of courageousness because she has to endure a lot as a woman being nominated for President." Jack Bell felt that Donald Trumps is an hero because he created millions of jobs, and he felt that Clinton was not an hero because she left soldiers oversees. " Another great characteristic Mr. Trump has is that he will not hide anything from the public." I do agree with him on Trump being open to the public is a good thing, but sometimes I feel that he over do it and his words can come off as offensive.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Post 5 Why either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump are modern heroes, using definitions of hero & our readings.

"The Gilgamesh of the epic is an awe inspiring, sparkling hero, but at first also the epitome of a bad ruler: arrogant, oppressive, and brutal(34). " This quote in my opinion represents how some people may view Donald Trump, as an solution for making america great again. He comes of very arrogant to some people but despite his attitude their are still millions of people that are inspired by him. Being an hero is being able to conquer and to being admired for you achievements. Donald Trump would be admired on his wealth, and his million dollar businesses.