Friday, April 29, 2016

post 26 response to two colleagues' posts about what they have learned

The most important thing that Willis learned was not to check your essay, but to allow other people to read it instead. "By checking your own work you can miss things that you thought you had placed in to your writing" I agree with her because when you check yourself you know what you are trying to say and you miss mistakes on your paper. The most important thing Phillips learned was that literature is a vast topic. "We have also read a couple of stories about how women feel on the inside and how it affects their love ones". 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

post 25 about the most important thing you've learned in this class from the literature we read

The most important thing that I've learned from this class was about analyzing what you read. Figuring out the symbols, metaphors, and what they story or poem actually means. I think that it is important learning how to do that in college because throughout my college years, I will have to read a lot of stories and poems that I have to interpret the meaning to really understand what it is really talking about.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

post 24 comparing and contrasting your post to two colleagues' posts about women in modern family life.

Ryan Phillips describes the modern women as the back bone and that she was usually cooking, cleaning, and making sure everything was okay. "  Today women have the same power as men." I agree with this comment because in today's world we push for equality. Alexia felt that modern day has improved. "Some men even are the ones who stay home, and cook, and take care of the children." She believed that there are still some equality problems that we have in society. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Post 23 The role of women in modern family life.

The women in modern family life are traditional and dependent. They took care of the kids, cook, clean, and were obligated to stay in bubble meaning they did not have a say or option. Acting dumb and being beuatiful was encouraged in society at that time. I think that women roles now is that they more independent and have more business drive. Today's women are doing things on their own meaning that they are not depending on the man to pay their bills or to take care of them.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Post 22 The plot of my favorite movie

The plot of the show Awkward is a teenage girl named Jenna Hamilton who struggle with identity issues that involves family, friends, and life in general. An example of this is when she tried to commit suicide, her escape is creating a blog that helps her deal with her issues in high school, life, and peer pressure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 21 Setting of my favorite TV show and what the setting means for the show.

My favorite t.v show is on MTV and it is called Awkward. The show setting is primarily based at a high school, college, and Jenna's Hamilton's house which she is the main character of this show. The reason why the setting is at an high school and college setting is because the show is about young adults around the ages fifteen and up. Since the show is a comedy/drama the show setting makes young audience familiar and comfortable with it, because they can relate being in high school, college, dealing with some good and bad times.  The location of the show is at Palos Verdes, California. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Post 20 a metaphor about what you think about poetry.

What I think about metaphor in poetry is that it describes a comparison to something without using words such as, like and as and pointing out similarities. Metaphors could represent a symbol and deeper meaning. The use of metaphors can give you a image and language of the poem.